Bouquet & Bouts Deconstructed - 15


This bouquet is quite large, loose and airy.  Our designers used a mix of greens - seeded eucalyptus, true blue eucalyptsu and agonis - as the base and to create interest.  The agonis is feathery and offers the deep plum color.  The seeded euc is soft as well with the small seeds for added interest and the true blue euc is more stuctured .  For large blooms we have roses and anenome.  The roses have high petal counts and give the bouquet its lushness.  Smaller blooms and accents like the scabiosa, amaranthus, privet berry and astrantia fill in the bouquest and offer different textures.  The bouquet was wrapped in a beautiful blue velvet ribbon which really set it apart and tied it in to the rest of the bride's reception design.


For the gentlemen's bouts we also went for a different look.  Instead of the more traditional ranunculus or spray rose boutonniere, we selected the smaller interesting accents from the bridal bouquet and made truly unique, interesting bouts.  Each bout was a bit different as you can see below.  We choose the amaranthus, astrantia, privet berry and seeded eucalyptus and used a mustard velvet ribbon to finish the look.  We just love these bouts.  Small details like this can make such a difference.


Jade Social


A Spring Wedding in 90 Days